DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. At this 13-week, video-based support group program, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making.
The program will start with an orientation session on Sunday, October 23, and then weekly sessions will begin on Thursday, October 27, 6:30 - 8pm.
To register online, or for more information, visit our group page, contact Paul Woolnough at 250-570-9367, or contact the church office.

Help your children heal from the pain of divorce
Are your children angry, hurt, and confused about your separation or divorce? A DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) support group is a safe, fun place where your children can learn skills that will help them heal. DC4K groups blend, games, music, stories, videos and discussion to help kids process the divorce and move forward. Groups meet weekly and are designed for children ages 5-12.
The group will start with an orientation session on Sunday, October 23 (3-4pm) and then weekly sessions will begin on Thursday, October 27 (6:30-8pm).
If you would like to register your children or have questions, please contact Juanita van Kuik at 250 567 0178 or contact the church office.

FoodSafe Level 1
Elizabeth Woolnough is offering a food safe level 1 course. $75 per person. Preregistration with payment is required, as limited spots are available and workbooks need to be purchased.
Contact the church office to register.
This is useful training to enable you to serve in many capacites! Don’t miss out!

Summertime Backyard BBQ's
Let’s get together! Check the bulletin each week to see who has signed up to host. Bring a salad or a dessert to share, whatever you want to cook on the bar-be-que, and your lawn chairs. The host will provide the bbq, beverages and dishes.
Church Family Camp
Plan to join us for the weekend at Echo Lake Bible Camp! More details coming soon.

Spring Break Vacation Bible School
We’re Full Steam Ahead to Spring break VBS! To hop aboard go to :https://vbspro.events/p/ncckids to register kids ages 5-grade 6, or to volunteer. Or call the church office to register or with other questions 250 567 4960.

Join us for this online (Zoom) event. For Tickets go to Eventbrite.ca
To learn more about this upcoming event, watch this intro video from presenter Lyndon Wall

Praying Together
Connecting with our NCC family through prayer.
Each Thursday evening at 7pm we gather over the Zoom app to share and pray together.

Good Friday Pancake Breakfast
Due to the recent advisement from our provincial officials, we feel it is necessary to cancel this event at this time. Thank you for understanding. If during this time you are in need of assistance in any way, please do contact us! We are here to serve you in whatever way we can. You can reach us at the church office 250 567 4960 or through our website: nechakocommunitychurch.com

Evening with Columbia Bible College
All are invited to join us for this evening of Worship and Testimony.

Men's Breakfast
All men are invited to join us up at the church for breakfast. Contact person is Larry Frey. Please RSVP by commenting below.

Marriage Enrichment Course - Love & Respect
No matter how long a couple has been married, we must always work at building and maintaining depth and love within our relationship. This coming January and February NCC is offering a marriage enrichment course which identifies “the love she desires, the respect he needs”. Often we end up in negative cycles with each other; this course will help us identify those and to move into healthy cycles of relationship.

Ladies' Ministries Coffee Time
All ladies are invited for coffee at the home of Aneta Harris.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Please join us at our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on Tuesday, December 24th, 2019 at 6:30pm. Our Christmas offering project this year is for NeighbourLink.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
All are welcome to join us at NCC tonight at 6:30pm for our Christmas Eve Service!

Sunday School Christmas Program
Join us for the Sunday School Christmas Program during our morning service.

Vanderhoof Christmas Parade of Lights
Thanks to our Children and Youth Ministry Team, NCC will have a float in our parade Saturday.
If you can help out by donating candy for passing out, please contact Juanita van Kuik or drop it by the church office.

Men's Breakfast
All men are invited to join us up at Harris’ for breakfast. Contact person is Larry Frey. Please RSVP by commenting below or contacting Larry directly.

Ladies' Ministries Coffee Time
All ladies are invited for coffee at the home of Aneta Harris.

Christmas Potluck
Sunday, December 1st – First Sunday of Advent & Christmas Potluck (Meat and veggies will be provided. Please bring: A-G – dessert, H-S – potato dish, and T-Z – salad.)

Ladies Christmas Tea @ Manor
All Ladies from NCC are welcome to meet for a Christmas Tea at the Manor. Please bring a plate of goodies to share.

Ladies' Ministries - Christmas Party
Ladies’ Christmas Party – 6pm at Aneta Harris’ (499 Oak St). Bring a sweet or savory treat to share and a pair of Christmas/wintery socks (wrapped for a gift exchange). Wear comfy clothes (such as Christmas pj’s) for movie watching!!

Ladies' Ministries Coffee Time
All ladies are invited for coffee at the home of Shirley Peters.

Unplanned - Movie Viewing
Hosted by the Vanderhoof Ministerial
Admission is free … but an offering will be taken.

Ladies' Ministries Coffee Time
All ladies are invited for coffee at the home of LaVonne Frey’s.