Responding Like Jesus

For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

(John 1:17, ESV)

While reflecting upon the story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery (John 8.2-11), I was struck with Jesus’ balance of grace and truth. Too often we are like those judging others; we gossip about the choices of others, we look at new people at church without caring for them, we draw lines between ourselves and those of different opinions. But Jesus did none of these.

Jesus did come with 100% truth … but He effectively balanced it with 100% grace. It strikes me how Jesus was able to speak clear and direct truth into people’s lives while leaving them intensely cared for. This woman in John 8 was not innocent, but she was also being harshly treated; while Jesus called her to holy living, she was cared for through the scattering of the crowd and then through 1-on-1 care.

This is a difficult balance to find today. Societal pressure is pushing that we emphasize “grace” / to be open to all people and all views and to let go of our “truth”, but this is not grace or truth. Too often in the Church, we focus so much on “truth” that we make people feel uncared for, lacking a genuine sense of care.

How is NCC known to those who visit us or those who live within our community? Are we known to be gracious, loving and caring, welcoming but also integrative? Are we known as honest about what we belief but caring in how we express and live it out?

What about as people? As parents? As friends and neighbours? Are we known to be both gracious and truthful?

Ryan van Kuik