Part of a Family - Part 2
Equip Conference was a great opportunity to connect with people from my past but also people who are currently serving in MB churches and partner ministries throughout Canada and beyond.
I … urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
(Ephesians 4:1–3, ESV)
The thought of “family” continues to be on my mind and heart these days … for a couple reasons.
As I reflect upon the recent federal election, there is now much conversation around the regionally based results. In the same way Quebec pursued sovereignty, now the west is considering the notion of separating from Canada. I am a federalist / a nationalist. All of Canada is one nation / one family (if I may apply that term here). We have unique challenges but also unique strengths. Our diversity and space works for us but also can create issues that are difficult to work through. However, we are one nation and should (in my opinion) hold onto that with all our might!
The same goes within our Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. We are feeling spread thin relationally, in ministry, and financially, and yet we are one “family” of churches. This, in fact, is one of our distinctives, that we are a family (or conference) of churches as opposed to a denomination (or organization). Being part of a Canadian gathering of our churches (there are approximately 250 MB churches across Canada) showed the challenges of being united when so spread out; however, it also emphasized the strength of our history and values that continue to drive us toward unity and godliness. Let us remain committed to actively engaging in our broader church family. (You can see my response piece written for the MB Herald here.)
Let us not give up making effort to be fully engaged with those God has placed us in community / family with … whether it is our spouse and children, parents and grandchildren, church family, Vanderhoof family, and any other group we are a part of.