When life is scary ... God is good!


“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for You are close beside me.”

(Psalm 23.4)

The Bible story at VBS today took the kids through the plagues God inflicted upon Egypt in order for them to let His people go. Those were scary times, leaving everyone feeling very uneasy. But, as the kids learned today … when life is scary … God is good!

Today we reached our capacity - 60 kids! Many are from our church, many from other local churches, but many have no church they are a part of. Our primary goal is to plant seeds of the gospel in the hearts and lives of those who have not heard. Our next goal is to make connections with unchurched families, hopefully showing that we are a welcoming, genuine, and integrating group whom they are welcome to come and be a part of.

Please keep praying for us! Many of our volunteers and their families are sick; please pray for health and strength. Pray the truth of God’s goodness (even when life is unfair, scary, or sad) will settle into their hearts and minds. Pray that families would be built up.

Thank-you to all of our volunteers!

Pastor Ryan