Spiritual Mourning ...
“For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:18, ESV)
This weekend was one of those times where the weight of the news was heavy. We have been praying diligently for our brother, Bob, and yet things do not seem to go his way. The reality of his shift from treatment to palliative care is a difficult one to accept. Our thoughts are weighty; our emotions are struggling. How can we face this reality? How can we find our way through it? How can we support Bob in it?
Our brother knows Jesus personally. He has been one who genuinely experienced redemption and took every opportunity he could to communicate it. He and June passed on hope to so many, particularly those struggling within their marriages and families. Our hearts go out to Bob. We pray for Bob.
It seems fitting for this sense of grief to describe for us our entrance into Lent. As Advent leads us to Christmas, Lent leads us to Easter. It begins with Ash Wednesday (today) and continues until Palm Sunday (April 14). It is a season of weight and reflection / of mourning and longing.
We can only celebrate Easter if we grasp what it is that brought us to it. We can only appreciate the resurrection if we appreciate death. We can only understand redemption if we understand sin. We will only reach out to draw others to Christ if we truly grasp the saving work He has done in our own lives.
As we live through Lent this year, how will we make extra effort to face our natural sinful state? Lent is intended to spur a spirit of penitence; much like we are called to each time we approach the Lord’s Table, we are to examine our hearts and minds / our attitudes and actions. This is a season of self-examination; many fast from something that has become significant in their lives in order to turn their focus towards the Lord. Many make extra effort to reflect and pray around the reality of our sin and brokenness … appreciating all the more our salvation by the work of Jesus on the cross!
Let us make extra effort to turn ourselves to the person and saving work of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour!
Pastor Ryan