Opportunities & Opposition
“… a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me.”
(1 Corinthians 16:9, NIV)
Our Elders met with our Ministry Team leaders (our new name for Committee Chairs) last night. It was great to hear of the efforts being made to strengthen our NCC ministries! As Elders we have been working to formulate a basis upon which we work with our Ministry Teams to strengthen and encourage them and their efforts. Ministry Descriptions for each Team are being developed so we are all clear on the role and purpose of each Team.
While we reflected upon what God is doing among and through us at NCC, we also reflected upon this verse above … that while Paul had open doors for ministry, he also faced opposition. Often when doors of opportunity open for us, the Enemy works to come up against us. It is important we recognize him but also stand against him, remaining focused in our ministries rather than getting side-tracked by the challenges that show up.
In the picture, you see Rob Thiessen (our Conference Minister for BCMB - BC Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches). Rob spoke on this verse Friday evening at Convention, addressing the opposition we face personally (individually and as families) and corporately (as a church and as a family of churches), especially when we are accurately reflecting Christ.
What opportunities is God giving us? Are we getting distracted by opposition … or entrusting it to the Lord?
Let us, like Paul, focus in on the “open doors” that God is opening for us!
Pastor Ryan