Learning to Ponder

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But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.

(Luke 2:19, ESV)

To ponder is to consider something carefully. My tendency is to over-think things … lots of thinking but little that is productive or helpful. So, learning to ponder has been a significant journey for me. It requires slowing down and prayerfully engaging.

In preaching, I often call us to meditate / to intentionally and prayerfully reflect upon the passages of scripture before us. Making the effort to digest the truths of God are of vital importance to our spiritual life. We do this through prayer, journalling, discussing with those close to us, choosing to put into practice that which we are learning.

The picture of pondering given to us by Luke’s description of Mary is relatively the same. Her experience of the angel, of worshipping with Elizabeth, of travelling to Bethlehem with Joseph, and now of the visit in the stable of the shepherds, she is left marvelling at everything. So much did not make sense when considered from a human perspective, but she considered her God’s perspective! All was and is possible with Him. But she was part of it! What did it all mean? Who exactly did she give birth to? How would the future unfold?

Too often we write off the things of God, giving little thought to them because they do not seem real. My ask here is that you take the time to ponder / to consider carefully who God is and what He is all doing to bring us into full relationship with Him. Let us not only celebrate Christmas but be drawn into the magnificance of Jesus’ life and work.

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