Seeing New Opportunities
Through the Mennonite Brethren, we have a great Conference Minister in Rob Thiessen. This week I pass along his thoughts …
Dear NCC,
Have your travel and vacation plans taken a beating this year? Mine have. Covid has provided many people with time off work, but crossing borders is a problem and local parks and beaches are packed.
So we tackle our home projects, learn how to bake sourdough bread and drop off trunk-loads at the local thrift store...Now what?
How about sharing your life and the hope of Christ with a neighbour? With everyone on forced lockdown and with political instability and social anxiety on the rise, wouldn’t this be a good time to reach out in friendship and start a conversation?
Here is a strategy. Begin with prayer. Take a walk, literally or mentally, around your neighbourhood. Ask the Lord what your next step should be and commit to embrace the opportunities that come; to reach out as you are prompted. And remember, the results are up to God. Our responsibility is not a heavy burden. Make some time, show some genuine interest in the life of a person created in God’s image, and if, in the context of your neighbourliness, an opportunity comes to share your faith, take it.
Last week I bit the bullet and arranged a coffee with a friend who immigrated to Canada with his family from Syria four years ago. Over the years, Janet and I have shared meals with them, played with their children in the snow, and attended their Mosque. The Lord has been prompting me for some time to share the reason for my hope and the source of our love as a church community for him and his family.
We met at Tim’s and covered the same theological ground and perspectives that most of us encounter in dialogue with Muslims. My friend was concerned to inform me that God has no physical children and Jesus didn’t really die on the cross. I get it, and I wasn’t there to argue, but I was able to share who Jesus is in my life and leave an Arabic gospel in his hands. He is eager to continue the conversation…so am I.
What are your summer plans? Do they include being a friend and neighbour? Would you dare to listen for opportunities that the Lord might give you to share the good news of His love? Pray for me as I pray for you that the Lord will use our lives for His glory, and through us, bring the gospel to our neighbours.
In Him,
Rob T.