When We Wish Life Was Different

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For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

(Isaiah 55:8–9, ESV)

There are days we wish life was not as it was. We desire to change some aspect (or aspects) of life. Our preference is to complain, to receive pity, to get what we want. But often there is little we can do to change the very circumstances we wish were different.

Sometimes our situation is the result of our own choices, and so we can choose differently, improving upon our circumstances. But most often the parts of life we wish to change are not of our own doing - they are simply our circumstances. They are the result of living where we do, being related to who we are; they are the result of the movement of the economy or government policy. Often what we would most like to change is out of our control.

These thoughts bring Jeremiah 29 to mind. I know I have referred to this verse many times before, but I think it aptly applies to the days in which we would prefer something else. In some ways, Israel had brought exile upon themselves; in other ways, it was simply their current reality. It was hard to appreciate being forced to move, but in it God assured of His plan and work even within these undesirable circumstances.

What is it you wish was different? It might feel huge … but it also may feel petty. Will you name it? It is helpful to not only identify what this is for you but to also bring voice to it. Confess it to the Lord, asking Him to reveal His place and plan within it. There may be someone else to express your struggle to, but it might be best to journal on your own (expressing all you are thinking and feeling).

Just when we think we have this care released to the Lord, it comes up again - and so we release it again. What do you need to release to the Lord today?

Ryan van KuikComment