Appreciating Our History

Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations …

(Deuteronomy 7:9, ESV)

Remembrance Day makes me think back to the stories I have heard from my family (my grandparents) on what it was like living under the Nazi regime. As teenagers in Holland, their families were impoverished by the invasion. This part of their journey shaped much of who they were and therefore much of who we as a family are. What appreciation the Dutch have for the Canadians who liberated them!

While we must be careful to not live in the past, knowing our past as a church helps us know who we are today. A few weeks back I posted a picture of Kristie Lee and myself. She introduced herself to me at the national Mennonite Brethren meetings I was attending; her parents, John and Elaine Hiebert, were NCC’s planting pastor in the 1980’s. What drove NCC to be planted? How do those values continue to play out today?

Here are some articles from a 1985 edition of the Mennonite Brethren Herald … on us! Learn some of our history. Share in the comments what stands out to you.