Faith Over Fear ~ Facing COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

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March 13, 2020 

To Our NCC Church Family,

There is certainly a lot of conversation around the Coronavirus these days.  We have been in dialogue with other local churches and with our Mennonite Brethren Conference leaders over how we as a church can best respond to the situation.

More than anything, we want to offer reassurance.  It is easy for fears and anxieties to drive us in days like this; while we want to be diligent in doing our part, we must also remain secure in knowing our God is sovereign and ever-present in the midst of these challenging times.

Being confident in God’s care, we also seek to be wise in our response.  Here are some steps we are being called to take:

·      Those who have visited a high-risk area, are senior in age, sick, or more vulnerable than most are being encouraged to limit attendance at public venues and events.  This means we understand if you do not join us for congregational gatherings.

·      Be extra diligent in washing hands thoroughly and often with soap and warm water. 

·      We are encouraged to greet one another with waves and smiles more so than handshakes and hugs.

·      Please also be diligent in coughing / sneezing into sleeves so as not to spread germs in the air or by our hands.

There are a few practices that will be done differently this Sunday morning.  Instead of passing the offering bags, we will collect the offering through the offering box under the big window in the lobby; you can also send e-transfers to  Coffee will still be available following the service but will be served to you by our Hospitality Team.  Our custodians will also be extra attentive in disinfecting surfaces and items handled by people within our facility.

We continue to receive registrations for our Vacation Bible School and are continuing our preparations for it.  Please continue to pray for safety in holding it but also as the Spirit prepares the hearts who will be attending.  As March 30th nears, we will determine whether it is safe to host the event.

As a church family, we want to remain prayerful and confident in these days!  Be wise and diligent in the precautions you take, but please remain open and willing to help one another.  If you need assistance in any way or are isolated due to any illness, please do let the church office know so we can help care for you.


Pastor Ryan (and the Elders)

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