Learning to Trust
“Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.”
(Psalm 100:3, ESV)
In walking through these past weeks and months, I have been reflecting upon where I am focusing my heart. When I honestly examine myself, is my faith truly and fully in the Lord? To what degree have I been seeking control over the circumstances of my life? In what ways have I been allowing my anxieties to control my life rather than releasing them in trust to Father God?
We so wish this COVID season was over. We are feeling anxious and afraid, manipulated and controlled. It is exhausting trying to follow all the rules, to hear everyone’s opinions, and to determine how we will handle each and every situation we are in. Am I trusting God? Am I serving others ahead of myself? Am I releasing my worries, fears, and control issues to the Lord, allowing Him to be the One leading and guiding us?
As a church, we have been working our way through the New Testament book of Philippians. We are currently focusing on the peace that God offers us / the peace that is beyond our understanding and ability. There is so much going on our world, our society, our lives – and it all quickly distracts us from trusting and relying upon God. It pulls us towards independence rather than dependence upon the Lord; too quickly we allow our circumstances to get in the way of walking relationally with Christ Jesus.
Many of us are facing difficult circumstances. We are feeling empty of strength; we are losing motivation. There are a variety of things we are facing – maybe our mental well-being is weak, maybe there is a relationship in which we are struggling, maybe we are facing unresolved hurt or grief, maybe we are feeling buried by a variety of stresses. Where am I focusing? Am I allowing this to distract me away from God or to point me towards Him? Am I leaning in to God relationally or pulling away from Him because life is not ending up as I want it?
In a recent devotional reading, worship was described as “allegiance to what we believe defines reality and holds the future”[1]. Who are we worshiping? We quickly say God, but are we really? Let’s take a moment to step back and examine ourselves. Who or what am I most committed to? Is it God, evidenced in grace-filled living? Are we pushing our opinions over caring for others? Do we worship God with our words and songs but fail to actually trust Him in the daily pattern of life?
Psalm 100 verse 3 says, “Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.” Do we really trust God in His sovereign care and sustaining work? Do we really trust God to personally walk with us, carrying us when we can no longer carry ourselves? We are His! We are His sheep – with whom He makes Himself personally available to.
I am learning again to trust God – to let go of control, to confess my worries and fears to Him, and to allow Him to caringly carry me through life’s weights and challenges. I invite you to do the same; it is challenging to do but very worth it! By walking personally with the Lord, we experience not only His control over everything happening around us but also His love, grace, and mercy.
[1] Terry Kaethler, MB Seminary Lent devotional, March 13, 2021