Celebrating Resurrection
“But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.”
(Matthew 28:5–6, ESV)
Over the last few weeks, I have noticed some of my favourite signs of spring - the puddles in our yard have sunk away, motorcycles have been spotted, the snow is off the lawn (there is even the odd hint of green in some tufts of grass), the lilacs are beginning to bud. These are always encouraging to me, showing that warmer weather is coming.
It is in this season we come to Easter. Sometimes I feel like this time of year, like not much good is happening in my life, feeling alive but somewhat colourless, knowing there is more to come but struggling to find the energy to truly come to life. As God’s creation will show us more and more over the next weeks, we are more alive than we humanly understand; in Christ, we are brimming with life and colour and potential. But we continue on a journey of allowing our new life in Christ to truly break through and shine in our lives.
We recognize the death of Jesus was needed for our sin, and so we approach Good Friday with heavy hearts. Let’s take time to reflect upon our deep need for the saving work of Jesus! Let’s make space for personal reflection and for praying through the Stations of the Cross at NCC this Friday. (See details in the attachment of the email from the church dated Friday, March 26th.)
But, let’s also prepare ourselves for the celebration of Easter / of resurrection / of our new life! Let’s feel the depth and pain of Jesus’ death but also fully embrace the reality of His resurrection! Join us for our Easter service this Sunday (live-streamed at 9:30am over our Facebook page).