Breaking the Barriers of Relationship
“They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.””
(John 4:42, ESV)
This Sunday (out at church camp) we will be considering various pictures that represent the forming of connection.
Josh Friesen is getting baptized! What a great picture of faith, new life, and a personal relationship with Christ.
We will be participating in Communion together - another ongoing picture of the reality of Christ’s death and resurrection in our lives.
The passage we are considering is John 4, where Jesus breaks down the barriers of relationship; he not only visits with the lady at the well but ends up spending two days with her and her community, leading them to saving faith.
I encourage you to meditate on passages such as Matthew 3.13-17 and John 4.1-43 as we prepare our minds and hearts to gather in worship outdoors at Echo Lake Bible Camp this Sunday.